Tick Tock ~ Deadline Coming Soon
I'm on a deadline.
I have something due in a couple of weeks.
I'm 93% of the way done...if I can believe the spreadsheet I created to keep track of my word count. And I do.
And the truth is...I work better this way. :) I love having a goal.
Pressure makes me work better and faster.
Even one of my kids calls me a workaholic. Won't he be surprised when he turns into one as well. Muwahahaha
Okay, I know I need to blog, but I need to finish my ms more.
If you need me I'll be practicing an age old writer's technique for finishing manuscripts courtesy of Kristen.
Which stands for Butt In Chair, Fingers On Keyboard.
Anyone else out there who also works better with their butt to the fire?
I can't be the only one...can I? :)
You're not even close to the only one. I had originally intended for my revisions to be done by tomorrow, so I didn't start until May 5! They're more complicated than I thought, so I heaved a massive sigh when my editor gave me until May 19. That, I can do. I mean, hey. It's only Monday and I have all the way until Saturday, right? *gg*
I don't want to talk about finishing anything anymore.
That's a double edged sword for me. Too much pressure stifles my creativity so it doesn't work for me with writing. What it does work for is when company is coming over, man does my house get clean! :)
I definitely do better under pressure. I am the Queen of Procrastination. Deadlines cure me of that real quick. In fact i've got to get back to my MS that has to go out the door today right now. LOL
Email me the spreadsheet will ya! I need to be on track....
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