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Monday, August 25, 2008

Not much submit to the STAR contest!

Time to get your entries in to the Launching a STAR contest.
Entries must be postmarked by September 8, 2008
Here's more information:

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Becky Bluebird tumbled from the wire at the unmistakable sound of wings beating the air.

“Hawk!” she squalked though there was no one else to warn. Usually she had to feather her way to a spot on the crow-ded perch, but tonight she was the only bird on the wire. She waited for the sharp pinch of talons and gave Mable B the eye as the oh-so-not-a-hawk swooped from the sky to grab a piece of telephone line. Regaining her composure, Becky fluttered in beside the blackbird.

“Did I miss a cat call?” Becky trilled after her heart slowed to its usual race. Across the street, the woman misted the big screen. The show was about to start. “Where’s the rest of the flock?”

“Guess they’re getting their Launching A Star entries in the mail,” Mable tweated. She ruffled a tail feather and gave a smug, “I sent mine in ages ago.”

Becky sidled from one claw to another. “That’s the contest where the editors and agents requested 15 manuscripts last year, isn’t it?” she warbled. She’d forgotten all about it.

“Yep,” Mable chirped. “A couple of finalists signed with agents and one sold. Plus, the winner has a star named in their honor. Star Mable. That’s mine.” She waved a feather at a yellow, twinkling light.

Becky pretended to pick nits from her pin feathers and wondered if it was too late to enter. “When was that deadline again?”

“Entries must be postmarked by September 8th. Hey,” Mable cackled as Becky took to the air. “Where are you going?”

“Gotta fly, Mable,” Becky chirrupped. “Things to do and birdies to hatch.”

“And contests to enter,” Mable whistled. “May the best bird soar!”

Only two weeks remain ‘til the postmarked deadline for the 2008 Launching A Star! Our acquiring editors and agents requested an amazing 15 manuscripts from the finalists of last year’s contest. As a direct result, two of our finalists signed with their dream agents. And one SOLD in a 3-book deal to a major NY publisher.

To enter, submit the first chapter (25 page max) of your unpublished romance in any of our seven categories. All first round judges (2 per entry, one trained, one published in romance) will provide constructive comments on every entry. Two industry professionals (one agent and one editor) will judge each category in the final round. Complete details and entry forms are available on the STAR Chapter website:

But hurry! You must send your entry in no later than September 8th.

Launching a Star 2008

Sponsor: SpacecoasT Authors of Romance Chapter (STAR)

Fee: $25-$30, SASE

Deadline: Post-marked by September 8th, Received by September 15th

E-deadline (for non-US residents only): Emailed by September 8th, received by September 10th.

Eligibility: Unpublished or not published by RWA-recognized publisher in book length fiction within 5 years

Enter: Prologue (if desired) & First Chapter (up to 25 pages) of an unpublished romance. No synopsis.

First round judges: One trained; one published.

Categories/Final round judges:

Historical: editor Keyren Gerlach, HQN, and agent Elizabeth Pomada

General Paranormal: editor Heather Osborne, TOR, and agent Laurie McLean

Fantasy/Futuristic Paranormal: editor Angela James, Samhain, and agent Lucienne Diver

Single Title Contemporary: editor Erin Galloway, Dorchester, and agent Michelle Grajkowski

Series Contemporary: editor Susan Litman, HQN, and agent Becca Stumpf

Young Adult: editor Kristen Daly, Harper/Collins, and agent Elaine Spencer

Erotic Romance: editor Allison Brandau, Berkley/Jove, and agent Roberta Brown

Top Prize: A star named in your honor! FMI, entry form, rules, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions, go to or contact Lee Duncan, contest coordinator at

Lee Rhuday Duncan

2008 Launching A Star

Contest Coordinator



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