How did I get so far behind?
Every morning I wake filled with hope that I might get caught up with things.
Every evening before bed I wonder where the day went.
I'd rather be writing and I've managed to get a few words down...but mostly I feel like I'm just losing ground everyday. :)
It's Friday!!!
Where did my week go? It was a blur.
What did I do?
I read a great book. (The Demon of Pelican Bluff by Jennifer Colgan. - Fabulous!)
I started on some contest entries.
I chatted on loops, I blogged once.
I did homework for an on-line class. (need to do more)
I paid bills.
I did laundry, dishes, cooking, grocery shopping....
I stared at the pink roses my husband brought me for Valentine's Day...frequently. Then I buried my face in the blossoms and inhaled...frequently. Could fragrant flowers be the reason I'm so far behind?
Maybe not. I'm just having one of those days where I'm a gerbil running on a wheel going no where fast.
I have no less than 1,000 things to do...and all I can think about is how much I want a nap right now.
It's not even 9 am yet!
I haven't had coffee.
Perhaps that would help.
I'll let you know.
Hmm. How did you get behind? The kids in your house are self-sufficient. No excuse there...
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