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Monday, July 30, 2007

Is July almost over already?

It simply amazes me how fast time zips by.
Is it just me?
Surely not.

Like sands through the hour glass...time moves pretty dang fast in my world. :)

People! Do you realize it's already more than half way through the year!
School will be starting at the end of next month. I need to check my annual writing goals to see where I stand. Before I know it, Christmas will be here.

Why this epiphany today? You see, I have a dry erase perpetual calendar that I use for deadlines, release dates and chats for my writing.
One side has 4 months and the other has 3 months.

The last time I filled it out was mid-way through January. I was proud of myself because I was able to squeeze the last part of January, February, March and April on the 3 month side and then I put May through August on the 4 month side.
Aren't I clever? :)

This morning it occurred to me that I'm going to have to update it soon.
Holy cow! How has 6 plus months gone by in what seems like the snap of my fingers?

What have I accomplished?
I've already completed two manuscripts. One short and one long. One was released in May called Little Red Rides the Wolf. The second is The Forgetful Spy to be released later in the year.

I'm very close to finishing two more manuscripts. One medium and another long one.
I also have 12 additional story ideas for books on my horizon that I keep on yet another dry erase board. Too much? :):) I don't think so. :)

I keep track of my daily word count. Why? Because I'm just that way. :)
So far I've written over 156,500 words this year.
This breaks down to approx. 22,000 a month and 5,600 a week
It seems like a lot, but I could probably have done better.

Every year I make a list of annual goals. For 2007 I officially listed 13.
Of the 13 I've accomplished 8 so far. I guess that's pretty good.
Perhaps I'm on track after all. Whew.
So does anyone else have a mid-year meltdown and have to stop to assess their accomplishments for the year?
I'm not the only one right? :)


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At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I generally start to panic when I see all of the school supplies stocked in the shelves. That means I have to go back to work soon, and I need to write like crazy to finish my WIP!


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