4.5 Ribbons Review from Romance Junkies...
...for Little Red Rides the Wolf.
Woo Hoo!
Following is the awesome review from Romance Junkies for Little Red Rides the Wolf.
Title: Little Red Rides the Wolf
Category: Paranormal
Reviewer: Chrissy Dionne
Reviewer Email: RJchrissydionne@yahoo.com
Author: Lara Santiago
Publisher: Siren Publishing
Release Date: May 2007
ISBN Number: 1933563036A6
Author Homepage: http://www.larasantiago.com
Author Email: lara@larasantiago.com
Format: EBOOK
Rating: 4.5 blue ribbons
A letter from her deceased mother is the catalyst which set Cheri Amaranth on the path to the planet Selenia. She wasn’t supposed to open the letter until her twenty-fifth birthday but raging curiosity won out and she read it just a tad bit early, contacted her grandpa, and now she’s on her way to pay him a visit and even brought along a much needed goodie bag. Cheri doesn’t believe in werewolves - she's in for a big surprise!
Caine Wolver has been eagerly anticipating Cheri’s arrival for a very long time. As children they’d been promised to each other, but that was before Cheri’s father died and her mother took her away. It’s time for them to begin their future together but first there are a few other issues needing to be addressed.
Hunter has an agenda of his own and he’s very interested in getting his hands on Cheri’s goodie bag. Hunter interrupts Caine and Cheri’s first meeting and leads her through the woods to grandpa’s house but Cheri doesn’t feel safe with Hunter. What is it about the huge wolf that touches her heart and why when she loses sight of the wolf does a gorgeous man named Caine appear? Cheri desperately needs to get her bag of goodies to her grandpa, but is she ready for the reality of a planet full of werewolves?
Lara Santiago captivated me with this adult twist on the childhood fairy tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ This storyline is fast-paced, fun, and full of scenes that capture the imagination. Cheri’s bravado in such a foreign situation really brought this story to life and I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen in each new scene. I was fascinated by the obvious rivalry between Hunter and Caine and loved the ‘vibes’ of dislike that can practically be felt as I read. LITTLE RED RIDES THE WOLF is a delightful story that will have you viewing fairy tales in a whole new light.
Cheri’s off to visit her grandpa on the planet Selenia. She’s even brought along a goodie bag. Will she and the goodie bag make it through the woods to grandpa’s house in one piece or will she discover the joys of being devoured by a wolf along the way?
Thanks so much Chrissy.
I adore the snippet! :):)
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