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Monday, August 30, 2010

Range War Bride by Lara Santiago...Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Range War Bride
By Lara Santiago

[Erotic Futuristic Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M

Brianna escapes her vile arranged marriage on a fast horse pointed toward the neighboring ranch, only to be rescued by two brothers on their own bride hunt. She agrees to marry them instead, but her ex-fiancés won’t let her go. Will Alex and Rafe start a range war to keep her?

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Friday, August 27, 2010

How old am I getting?

I'm the one on the left.

So old that I couldn't remember the passwords to get into my Blog account. Then I couldn't remember the answer to the question they asked to get a new one.
Don't they know I'm old?
Big Long Sigh of Resignation!!

Okay, I'll admit it. It's true. I haven't been a good blogger. It's been months since I blogged. Often I feel like I don't have much to say.
But I recently finished a book (a miracle), and I thought, "Hey. I could blog about that." So here I am again. Blogging.

Oh yes, the reason I'm here today.
The new book is called Range War Bride.
Check out the cover below.
Sexy, right? (Jinger Heaston is awesome)

[Erotic Futuristic Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M] Brianna escapes her vile arranged marriage on a fast horse pointed toward the neighboring ranch, only to be rescued by two brothers on their own bride hunt. She agrees to marry them instead, but her ex-fiancés won’t let her go. Will Alex and Rafe start a range war to keep her?

I'll be back soon...
I will.
I'm on my way to get memory medication.
I call it coffee.

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