Jeopardy for Writers
The answer: A big paper Avalanche
The question: What does my writing space look like?
Alex Trebek would be so proud that I phrased it in the form of a question. :)
You know you absolutely must clean your office when: _______
Please fill in the blank for yourselves.
Here are a few that apply to me. :) can't see even the tiniest sliver of wood grain through the mounds of paper surrounding the laptop on your desk. can't finish your latest manuscript because there is an 8.1 magnitude paper avalanche washing across your keyboard every 7 minutes that interrupts your already feeble typing skills. can't make your mouse move further than a quarter of an inch in any direction due to the encroaching office supplies slithering onto your well worn X-Files mouse pad. can't make your swivel chair move in a circle any longer. (at least not without creating a paper avalanche of epic proportions)
and the final reason laugh when your husband tells you he'll build you an office so you won't have to stack up paper any longer in a Les Nessman-like move to form walls.
He's not kidding. :)
When I get back from the conference in Atlanta...I know I'll be filled to the brim with ideas and motivated to write, write, write. I've decided I need to be able to get to my laptop without a back hoe.
If you need me, I'll be fending off the paper cut monster and cleaning my office.