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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jeopardy for Writers

The answer: A big paper Avalanche

The question: What does my writing space look like?

Alex Trebek would be so proud that I phrased it in the form of a question. :)

You know you absolutely must clean your office when: _______
Please fill in the blank for yourselves.
Here are a few that apply to me. :) can't see even the tiniest sliver of wood grain through the mounds of paper surrounding the laptop on your desk. can't finish your latest manuscript because there is an 8.1 magnitude paper avalanche washing across your keyboard every 7 minutes that interrupts your already feeble typing skills. can't make your mouse move further than a quarter of an inch in any direction due to the encroaching office supplies slithering onto your well worn X-Files mouse pad. can't make your swivel chair move in a circle any longer. (at least not without creating a paper avalanche of epic proportions)

and the final reason laugh when your husband tells you he'll build you an office so you won't have to stack up paper any longer in a Les Nessman-like move to form walls.
He's not kidding. :)

When I get back from the conference in Atlanta...I know I'll be filled to the brim with ideas and motivated to write, write, write. I've decided I need to be able to get to my laptop without a back hoe.

If you need me, I'll be fending off the paper cut monster and cleaning my office.


Monday, July 17, 2006

RWA in Atlanta

I looked up at my monthly planner and...WOW it's less than two weeks until RWA in Atlanta!!
This will be the first one I've ever attended. Can't wait.
I'm sure I'll be wide-eyed and wonder-struck.
Watch for me...I'll be the geeky one with my mouth hanging open in awe. :)

Check out my Cool Cover for The Executive's Wife which will be available at Siren August 2006

And check out my Hot Cover for The Lawman's Wife coming later in 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sleeping is overrated

Is it just me...or is sleeping a big fat waste of time?
Perhaps it's just because I want to spend more time writing.

I have a full time job, a family which includes continually hungry teenagers, mountains of laundry, a writing career I'm trying to launch, and at the end of my very long day...I want to write instead of sleep.

If I could have a super power I'd want to be able to function on zero sleep... without spending the national debt at Starbucks each day to keep me upright and speaking coherently. (like now)

I mean I'm only getting six hours of sleep a night anyway. Juiced on coffee I could write 6,000 words in that space of valuable time. I'd have a short book done every week. A full sized novel complete in two. The possibilities are endless. :)
Then I wake up, wipe the drool off my laptop keyboard and shuffle off to bed.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Just One Embrace

Just One Embrace is at Fictionwise.
On July 3rd it was #14 in the bestsellers list meanwhile Just a Kiss held on to #23. I did a screen print. hee hee

Also I got a really great review from Romance Divas.
Here is is:

By::Lara Santiago
Siren Publishing, 2006
Reviewed by :: Shawn Monique
Sci-Fi Erotic E-Book

Crag of Tiburon has suffered a grievous loss, one that has left him with tremendous feelings of guilt. When he decides to temporarily leave his own planet to visit his best friend on Earth, the last thing he expects to find is love.

Ellie Granger’s unfortunate circumstance of her birth has always played a large part in shaping her life and decisions. The biggest impact has been in her personal choices in men. When she comes face to face with a man who seems to be everything she isn’t looking for in a man, Ellie sets aside her cautious nature for one night in Crag’s arms.

Crag has duties and obligations on his own planet, but he can’t deny his feelings for Ellie go way beyond the physical. Even though Crag returns to his own planet he can’t escape the feeling his heart was left behind on Earth with Ellie.

Lara Santiago penned wonderful characters with real emotional depth in this poignant, spicy read that tugs at the heartstrings. From the opening page, she gives the perfect amount of background information so you can’t help becoming emotionally vested in her characters. Her world of Tiburon and the physiology of its inhabitants engulf the reader with each exquisite detail. Just One Embrace demands more than just one read! This dreamy book of pure romance and chocolate kisses has earned a definite place on my “keeper” shelf.

4 ½ Kisses

You know I love kisses!

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