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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

An Interview with Lara Santiago

A while back I did an interview with Coffee Time Romance and it was very fun . :)

They let me be as silly as I wanted to be.

Thanks for the fabulous interview questions, Lori. :)

Here is the link at Coffee Time Romance: Another Great Interview with Lara Santiago

I've also pasted the interveiw below.

Another Great Interview with Lara Santiago

Welcome to Coffee Time Romance, Lara. Why don't you start by telling us something about yourself.

Thanks so much, Lori. I was hoping for a painless interview. ;-)

My name is Lara Santiago. Tell you something about myself…let’s see. Well, I’m double jointed, I love to laugh so I’m convinced that I’m very funny, I’m good at math and when in doubt I’ll make a spreadsheet to prove my point. That might not be quite what you’re looking for, but still, it’s all true. Ask anyone. ;)

Where did your love for writing come from? Was it a life time dream, or did you just have an epiphany one day?

I’m sure my love of writing is closely linked with my love of reading. It all started with The Pokey Little Puppy. Later on, Nancy Drew became my preteen idol and as a full fledged teenager, I discovered romances courtesy of Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. I’ve loved mysteries and romance books all my life.

Writing was a life long dream of mine, but I let the analytical part of my brain take over early on and got a ‘real’ job.

I started writing with the intent of making it a career about five years ago when we moved to Florida due to my husband’s job, and the characters banging around inside of my mind would no longer be silenced. :)

I’ve always had stories running around in my head. When I was eleven, I penned a story about being shipwrecked on an island. I guess timing is everything. Look at the success of Lost. :)

Your book, "The Blonde Bomb Tech", is a romantic suspense story between a bomb technician and a firefighter. What inspired you to write this story, and how did you research your characters?

I wrote The Blonde Bomb Tech as part of a writing class at my RWA chapter craft workshop. We started in February and met once a month with the intent of finishing a book by August. A week before the class, I was searching for unique characters and an engaging premise and literally dreamed it up one day after a nap. I thought, what if there was a girl bomb technician who was afraid of explosions? Why was she afraid? Who would be the perfect hero for her?

The first scene that came clearly into my head is also the first one in the book. My heroine is running for her life doing a countdown in her head for a bomb that’s about to blow up and literally crashes into my firefighter hero seconds before the explosion.

As for research, my uncle is a firefighter. After I asked him a bunch of questions, he put me in touch with an actual bomb technician in his station house. I learned a lot.

This book has received great reviews (congrats!). How important are these to you? What is your favorite "fan" moment?

Thanks so much. The reviews for this book have been fantastic. Reviews are very important to me. I believe they are a reflection of what my readers think of my stories and I want to do the best job I can for them. Plus I’m convinced that new readers look at reviews to make decisions on whether to give me a first try. I want to make them happy too. :)

I understand you like to talk to yourself. Some would say this means you have money in the bank *wink*. Do you brainstorm your stories during these conversations? And, even more so, do you talk to your characters and what do they say?

Okay, it’s true. I talk to myself. Who told on me? :)

Hmm, money in the bank is appealing although, I’m not sure that’s true. (Grin.)

I do brainstorm my ideas during these conversations. I’ve also been smart enough to buy a mini tape recorder for these discussions in case brilliant things slip out. I do talk to my characters. Mostly I hash out their back story. Who are they? What motivates them? Why won’t they let me sleep? :) Quite frankly, my characters tell me their story and I write it down then I put them into situations and see what happens.

There are few women who could resist a sexy firefighter, and Jake is no exception (insert drool bowl here). What is it about firefighting that made you choose this profession for your character?

Yes. I would be included in that category as well and I’m going to need my own drool bowl. Straight up I chose firefighting because who better than a firefighter would understand the life of a bomb technician and visa versa. I thought Sabrina and Jake were well suited to each other. :)

Tell us about 'the call'. Where you were, what you said, and what it means to you now as an accomplished writer.

When I got ‘the call’ I was chatting with one of my kids about his day at school. The phone rang and I expected it was going to be some salesman trying to sell me water softener, but instead it was my publisher.

When she said her name over the line, I recognized it and fell to my knees in shock. She started talking about wanting to publish my book and my brain stopped functioning. I did climb up off the tile floor to attempt normal conversation. I started dancing and leaping around the room pointing at the phone. My son squinted, and mouthed, “Is it Dad?” I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, when do I ever do a dance and leap around the room when your dad calls?” hee hee

That call meant absolutely everything to me. I framed the e-mail my publisher sent to me directly after my ‘call’. It still hangs over my desk.

If you had the chance to meet with one author for a day and ask anything you want -- who would it be, and what would you ask?

Oh my goodness, the pressure of selecting only one! I’ve been to several romance conferences and have been able to meet almost all of my favorite romance authors so I’m going to choose a surprise author in a different genre.

I’d want to spend the day with mystery author Lee Child. I’ve never met him, but I adore his Jack Reacher series. I don’t even think I’d ask him anything. I’d just want to stand near him for as long as possible in the hopes that his superb storytelling skills aura would brush off on to me. Okay, maybe I’d ask him if I could be a character in his next book. :)

You're a wife, mother, sister, etc...what sort of support system do you have from your family? What advice would you give your children should they decide to follow in your footsteps?

I’m so fortunate to have a very supportive family. I’ve even started dancing and leaping around the room whenever my husband calls. J My mother wonders why I don’t write mysteries after all those Nancy Drew books, but is always excited when I have a good news to share about my career.

If my kids ever decided to follow in my footsteps, I’d fall to the floor in shock again, but once I recovered, I’d tell them to keep at it and never give up. That’s my advice for new writers as well.

You're about to release a print-only anthology from Siren's Publishing with your story, "The Prosecutor's Paramour". Tell us a little more about this story and what it means to you to have a book in print.

“The Prosecutor’s Paramour” is very exciting for me. It will be the first book of mine that won’t be published in e-format. It will be available at Siren Publishing soon and also brick and mortar stores later on. I can’t wait. :)

The story is a prequel to a futuristic series I have with Siren called The Wives Tales. I have to say it’s one of my favorite stories. Fun because I got to go back in time to a world I’d already created and bring new things to light and challenging because I had to keep in mind everything I’d already written in the series.

Here’s a blurb:

[Futuristic] In the year 2075, undercover enforcer Evie Marsh is dispatched to spy on the ambitious prosecutor, Zachary Valetta, only to fall in love and is betrayed by him as the radical Tiberius Group takes control of the U.S. and turns women into virtual properties in marriage auctions. [Prequel to The Wives Tales]

Please feel free to share an excerpt and/or a snippet of a review. I'm sure readers would love to have a taste!

A review snippet for The Blonde Bomb Tech:

4 Cups: "This is a totally engrossing novel from the first exciting scene…full of suspense and unexpected twists and turns, and the bomber is truly evil. This is a great story!" —Maura, Coffee Time Romance

Here is a short excerpt:

Chapter 1


Nine…Run Faster!!

Eight…You better move your butt!!!

Seven…Where the hell is the minimum safe distance barrier?

Six…Thank God, there’s the perimeter. Jump for it.

Five…Who’s that in the way?

Four…Who cares! Tackle him.

Three…Damn! Hard, lean, muscular body under me.

Two…Whoa! Hard, lean, muscular body over me.



Sabrina Morgan’s entire body shook as glass and flying debris flew into the air from the detonation. The bomb she’d been working on had gone off. The ensuing explosion ripped through the quiet summer morning. She was the bomb technician. She was supposed to have stopped the bomb, but it had blown despite her best effort. How could that have happened?

With no answer forthcoming from the assembled emergency teams cowering down around her, Sabrina panicked.

The bomb nightmares she’d had for most of her life flew through her mind. Then she lost complete control of herself…which never happened, either. Not ever.

“Oh, no! No!” Sabrina sobbed hysterically into the crisp, clean collar of the fireman who covered her body protectively with his own.

The thought of someone having to protect her from the bomb she’d failed to stop made her cry harder. She heard herself babble nonsensically as she turned her face into the fireman’s rough, whiskered cheek. He smelled safe and good. She needed to check out for a few minutes to get herself together.

Sighing, Sabrina burrowed her cheek further into his throat scented with a musky cologne. Her lips connected with his skin as she inhaled his delectable scent. Her senses reeled as she clung to him. In her trance-like, panicked state, he was her only lifeline. She tasted the salt of her own tears.

“Shh, don’t cry. It’ll be okay, I promise,” the man holding her said, his voice honey-smooth. His breath tickled the loose hair next to her ear when he spoke. Booming noises continued to burst from the building. The comforting words from him intruded into her consciousness. She opened her eyes and was surprised to find her mouth still pressed to his neck, her lips rubbing sensuously along the male skin. Her fisted hands clutched both sides of his open jacket, securing him in place. She wanted him to say something else in that seductive voice.

She’d had a moment to appreciate the warm, male body covering hers, and then her panic set in again. Sabrina stopped kissing him. She loosened her fingers from the death grip she had on his protective yellow and black jacket.

The bomb had gone off—the bomb she’d tried to defuse, the very reason for her existence. She’d been a bomb technician for nearly five years. Until today, she’d never failed to diffuse a bomb.


Is there anything else for you in the future?

Oh gosh, I hope so, I want to live! Thanks for letting me be a goofball. :)

I’m currently working on another book for my wives tales series called, The Mercenary’s Wife. The hero is Tyler Blackthorn. He’s a character who is introduced in The Prosecutor’s Paramour and he has a secret connection with another of the heroes in the series. Muwahahaha.

Thank you, Lara, for taking time to speak with us. I wish you the best of luck with everything in the future!

Thanks, Lori. You’re right the interview was painless. Great questions!

I appreciate your talking with me.

You think I’m funny now, don’t you? :)

Take care

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is bowling considered exercise?

I really hope so, since it's about the only excercise I get these days. :)

My husband and I started in a summer league a few months ago...for fun because this is his idea of fun. :)
And the truth is...bowling is fun most of the time.

It's only not fun when you can't hit your mark or pick up your spares.
(This is bowling lingo that I picked up over the past several months.)

I have my own shoes and a cool red bowling ball. My ball is only about 8 pounds.
Yes, I know it seems very light, however, I don't feel like my arm is going to fall off at the end of the night after three games.

I'm happy to say that I've improved my game.
On my first game during the first night, I bowled a 65. My first average was 81.
Everyone on the team loved my huge handicap points. :)
Whenever I managed to bowl over my average, I was a hero.

Tonight, I tied my all time high game for the year. I bowled a 156. Woo Hoo. :)
My average for the night was 125 per game.
And I bowled over 100 in each game tonight. Yea.
A huge accomplishment since I pretty much jump for joy each time I score over 100 pins in a game.

Back to my original bowling considered exercise?
I'd love to hear any opinions on why or why not.

I say yes.
I know it isn't high impact aerobics, but better than watching bowling on television.


Monday, October 22, 2007

We have winners!

We have winners!

First, an enormous "Thank you" to everyone who took the time to enter each of the Siren Authors three "Fall Into Romance Contests"! We all had a great time putting this contest together, and we're pleased so many readers took the time to participate.

And now, the news you've all been waiting for.

Winner of the fifteen dollar gift certificate: Robin

Winner of the first twenty dollar gift certificate: Karen Haas

Winner of the second twenty dollar gift certificate: Stephanie

The winners will each be receiving an e-mail from Emma Wildes, confirming their win.

Congratulations, winners!!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm off for a weekend Writing Retreat... talk amongst yourselves. :)

Here are some pretty pictures to look at while I'm gone.
Enjoy. :)


Monday, October 15, 2007

The Siren Authors are having a final contest!

We had so much fun with the last two, we’re doing this one more time. ‘Fall Into Romance – The Grand Finale’ is even better than the first two contests, with even bigger prizes!!

The Prizes: Three Gift Certificates, one for fifteen dollars, and two for TWENTY dollars each, good for the purchase of books from SIREN PUBLISHING.

What you have to do: Just visit the Siren website

and look for the answers to the questions below. All answers can be found in the ‘excerpts’ posted.

These are all new questions – so if you entered last time, you need to enter again!

How to enter: Send your answers to

Contest closes Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 9 p.m. eastern time.

Winners will be announced Monday October 22nd right here!


1. In the excerpt from Morgan Ashbury’s The Prince And The Single Mom, who are Eugenia and Gwendolyn and what are they sitting on?

2. In The Lawman's Wife by Lara Santiago, Jonathan Brent is at Grace's auction to arrest someone. Who is it?

3. What other names does Emma Wildes write under for Siren Publishing?

4. In Tonya Ramagos Caught Off Guard, who told Veronica that Dean isn't the wild adventurous boy he once was?

  1. In Tower of Secrets by Samantha Lucas, how does Drago know Sarah is wearing a wig?

  1. In Skylar Sinclair’s Stiff Assignment, what is the name of the Mayor’s son?

  1. In Arabian Pearl by Emma Wildes, what color are Celia’s eyes?

  1. In The Merman by Emma Wildes, why is Armand planning to take Cynthia to his home world?

  1. In Morgan Ashbury’s Lily In Bloom, what dream haunted Lily?

Good Luck, everyone!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Forgetful Spy is # 1 at the Siren Bookstore!

My latest release, The Forgetful Spy, at Siren Publishing just went to # 1 on the bestseller list at the Siren Book Store.
I'm so excited!! I love this story. :)
I couldn't wait for it to be released.
Thanks to all my fans for putting me in first place. :)

The Blurb:

Life is a series of choices.

Faltering Protocol agent, Rachel Miles, can’t afford to bungle another mission, but her growing desire for Colin may ruin her well-laid plans. Choosing between doing her job the way her boss wants it done or giving in to her overwhelming attraction for a man she barely knows, she selects Colin.

Laurie Peterson’s life is comfortable, quiet and pleasantly boring until she meets an exciting, gorgeous stranger who won’t take no for an answer. Should she risk her comfortable life and risk hurting the aunt who gave up everything to take care of her for a man she’s just met?

Undercover agent, Colin Riley, loves two very different women. Rachel, outrageous, sensual and mysterious, who saves him from a murderous Columbian drug lord. And Laurie, the sweet librarian whose gentle innocence makes him yearn for a life he can't have.

How can he choose between them?

Especially once he realizes they’re the same woman.

Sensuality Rating: SCORCHING
Romantic Suspense
Length: Full Novel (75,000 words)

To read an adult excerpt click HERE

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Publishers Weekly and Emma Wildes

Check out my BFF Emma Wildes and her article at Publisher's Weekly.

Awesome, Emma!! :):)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

For the First Time EVER...

All of my previous electronic titles at Siren Publishing are 15% off the cover.

With the exception of The Forgetful Spy, my newest release, all of my other e-books are on sale. Yea! :)

Choose from:

The Blonde Bomb Tech

Little Red Rides the Wolf

Just A Kiss

Just One Embrace

The Miner's Wife

The Executive's Wife


The Lawman's Wife

The sale ends October 14, 2007.

Check it out.


All of Lara Santiago's previous e-titles are 15% off!
Newest release excluded.
Discount reflects upon selection of book at the Siren Bookstore.
Special ends Oct. 14, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Siren Authors have new contest winners!

We have winners!

First, thanks to all the many people who entered our “Falling Into Romance – The Sequel” Contest. We’re absolutely thrilled with all the entries. Thanks, too, for all the great comments about our site and our novels.

Winner of the $10 Siren Gift Certificate: Sherry, aka fcammer2

Winners of $15 Siren Gift Certificates: Chelsea London and Maria Vazquez

Ladies, you should each be receiving an e-mail from Emma Wildes with information about your prizes.

Congratulations, winners!


Be the first on your block... pick up a copy of The Forgetful Spy.

To buy click HERE.

The Double Recall 1

The Forgetful Spy

Life is a series of choices.

Faltering Protocol agent, Rachel Miles, can’t afford to bungle another mission, but her growing desire for Colin may ruin her well-laid plans. Choosing between doing her job the way her boss wants it done or giving in to her overwhelming attraction for a man she barely knows, she selects Colin.

Laurie’s Peterson’s life is comfortable, quiet and pleasantly boring until she meets an exciting, gorgeous stranger who won’t take no for an answer. Should she risk her comfortable life and risk hurting the aunt who gave up everything to take care of her for a man she’s just met?

Undercover agent, Colin Riley, loves two very different women. Rachel, outrageous, sensual and mysterious, who saves him from a murderous Columbian drug lord. And Laurie, the sweet librarian whose gentle innocence makes him yearn for a life he can't have.

How can he choose between them?

Especially once he realizes they’re the same woman.

Sensuality Rating: SCORCHING
Romantic Suspense
Length: Full Novel (75,000 words)

To read an Excerpt click here.



Thursday, October 04, 2007

Not much longer...

The Forgetful Spy is set for release on October 8th from Siren Publishing.

[The Double Recall 1]
by Lara Santiago

[Erotic Romantic Suspense] Created and trained solely for the Protocol Agency as the perfect spy, Rachel is unprepared for love. Colin's career in covert ops is a testament to bachelorhood, until he meets the woman of his dreams. Twice.

Sensuality Rating: SCORCHING
Romantic Suspense
Length: Full Novel (75,000 words)

Check it out. :)


Monday, October 01, 2007

The Siren Authors are having another contest!

We had so much fun with the last one, we’re doing it again. ‘Fall Into Romance – The Sequel’ is even better than the first contest, with bigger prizes!!

The Prizes: Three Gift Certificates, one for ten dollars, and two for fifteen dollars each, good for the purchase of books from SIREN PUBLISHING.

What you have to do: Just visit the Siren website

and look for the answers to the questions below. All answers can be found in the ‘excerpts’ posted.

These are all new questions – so if you entered last time, you need to enter again!

How to enter: Send your answers to

Contest closes Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 11:59 p.m. eastern time.

Winners will be announced Monday October 8th right here!


  1. In Rearing Heat by Skylar Sinclair, what did Dex call Shayla that alerted her that he knew she was and equestrian shifter?
  2. In the excerpt from Amanda Hilton’s Vision of Light, what is the name of the place where Lucien and Aislan are hiding out?
  3. On the coming soon page (, in the blurb for Renee Knowles' erotic chick lit Going Topless, where do the two sisters vacation?
  4. In Samantha Lucas’ Tower of Secrets, what interrupts Marina and Sebastian’s moment of passion?
  5. In Just A Kiss by Lara Santiago, what flavor does Gabrielle taste when she kisses Keller and what happens to her when she tastes it?
  6. In the excerpt for Caught Off Guard by Tonya Ramagos, what is Dean wearing?
  7. In Emma Wildes’ The Manuscript, who is Margot and why does she hire Claire Fallon?
  8. In the adult excerpt from Made For Each Other by Morgan Ashbury, what did Lesley and Charlie make love on?

Good luck, everyone!!!


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