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Friday, September 28, 2007

Coming Soon...The Forgetful Spy

by Lara Santiago

[Erotic Romantic Suspense] Created and trained solely for the Protocol Agency as the perfect spy, Rachel is unprepared for love. Colin's career in covert ops is a testament to bachelorhood, until he meets the woman of his dreams. Twice.

Coming soon from Siren Publishing!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There's still time to enter the STAR contest!

The local RWA chapter that I belong to is having a contest. Finalists will have their entry read by both an editor and an agent. :)

Entries must be postmarked by October 1, 2007 so there is still time to enter.

I've pasted the rules, regulations and a list of final judges below.

Check it out. :)


Here are the Rules and Regulations:

Rules & Regulations
Deadline: Postmarked by October 1, 2007

1. The contest is open to any author unpublished in book-length fiction. Any author who has not received $1000 or more, either as an advance or in actual earnings, for any single work of fiction within the last five years is also eligible for this contest. Entries are not eligible if covered by a book-length fiction contract by the entry deadline. Winning entries (first place) from previous years are not eligible. However, a winner may submit a new entry if all other eligibility requirements are met.

2. The overall contest winner will have a star named for them through the International Star Registry. The winner of each category will receive an engraved STAR paperweight. All finalists will receive a certificate.

3. The six categories are: Series Contemporary, Single Title Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal, Erotic Romance and Young Adult.

4. Each entry shall consist of 3 copies of the author’s first chapter, maximum 25 pages. Contestants should use binder clips only: No staples, paperclips, or rubber bands.

5. Each entry must include a completed, signed entry form (electronic signatures acceptable for electronic entries), plus entry fee. Photocopies are acceptable. Each entry must also include a cover sheet with the entrant's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address (if any), title of entry, and category.

6. Authors may enter more than once, but the same manuscript shall not be entered in more than one category. For example: a historical novel that has strong YA elements may be entered in the Historical Category or the YA Category, but not both. There is no limit to the number of eligible manuscripts an author may enter. Separate entry forms and fees are required for each entry.

7. Manuscripts should be neatly typed in size 12 Courier New or Times New Roman font, double spaced, with 1" margins, on one side only of plain white 8 1/2" x 11" bond paper. No more than 25 lines per page. Good quality photocopies are acceptable. The name of the entry, the category and the page number must appear at the top of each page. THE AUTHOR’S NAME MUST NOT APPEAR ON ANY PORTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT.

8. NEW for 2007: Electonic entries are accepted from contestants residing outside the USA as long as the entry complies with the preceding format and is Word compatible.

9. Should any category fail to receive a minimum of five entries, that category will be canceled. Entrants will be given the option of moving their entry into a different category or having their entries and fees returned.

10. The preliminary round will be judged by at least two trained judges, at least one of whom is published in romance. Judges are encouraged to provide positive feedback and comments.

11. In the event of a difference of 25 points or more between preliminary judge scores, a discrepancy judge will also judge the entry and the three scores will be averaged to determine the preliminary round score.

12. FEES: SpacecoasT Authors of Romance members: $25. Non-members:$30. All entries (except electronic) must include a STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE for the return of the entry. Non-electronic entries received without SASE will be judged, but will not be returned.

13. DEADLINE: Postmarked by October 1, 2007 and received no later than October 8, 2007. Entries postmarked after Oct. 1st, or received after Oct. 8th, will be returned. Do not use any mailing method that requires a signature upon receipt. If you would like confirmation of receipt, also enclose a self-addressed, stamped post card.


For contestants residing within the continental US, address entries to:

Launching A Star Contest
1823 Laurel Oak Drive South
Rockledge , FL 32955

Electronic signatures are acceptable on the entry form. Attach signed entry form and an MS Word file containing the entered material to an email titled LAUNCHING A STAR CONTEST and send c/o Lee Duncan to:

NOTE: Checks must be mailed by October 1st and received no later than October 7th. Email submissions must be received by October 1st.

15. Finalists will be notified by e-mail or telephone by November 30th. Winners will be notified in mid-February and announced on our website and in RWR.

If you have questions, please email them to the Contest Coordinator, Lee Duncan, at

Annual Launching A Star Contest 2007

This year's finalists will be judged by both an editor and an agent!

Winners of the Launching A Star contest know what it means to be a star! The overall contest winner has a star named in their honor through the International Star Registry. An engraved, star-shaped paperweight
is presented to the first place winner of each category. And stars fill the background of the frameable certificate provided to all finalists.

Category Final Judge - Editor Final Judge - Agent
Single Title Erin Galloway, Dorchester Publishing Michelle Grajkowski, Three Seas Literary Agency
Paranormal Heather Osborne, TOR Laurie McLean, Larsen-Pomada Agency
Historical Keyren Gerlach, HQN Elizabeth Pomada, Larsen-Pomada Agency
Series Contemporary Susan Litman, Harlequin Elaine English, Elaine English Agency
Erotica Angela James, Samhain Roberta Brown, Brown Literary Agency
Young Adult Kate Seaver, Berkley Elaine Spencer, The Knight Agency


Monday, September 24, 2007

And the winners are...

Winners of the Siren Authors “Fall Into Romance” Contest!

Wow, what terrific response we had to our contest! But the results are in! All correct answers were saved in a file; then Emma Wildes blindly drew the winners.

They are: Dawn Murphy, romantic_saamus, and Laura Kubitz.

Winners, Emma will be contacting you shortly so that you may receive your prize. You each receive a ten dollar gift certificate for the purchase of books from Siren Publishing.

Congratulations, winners.

And for the rest of you? Please stay tuned. We had so many entries, we may have news for you soon.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where I'll be tonight

The season finale of Burn Notice is on tonight.

So naturally I'll be out at the theater watching Annie. :)
There will be a visit to The Cheesecake Factory directly beforehand so I simply couldn't turn it down. :)

Which is why I have not one but two televisions recording the two hour season finale of Burn Notice for me. :)
And I will not sleep tonight until I've watched. Can't wait.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Contest from Siren Publishing Authors

Siren Publishing Authors’ “Fall Into Romance” Contest.

What you can win: One of 3 Ten Dollar Gift Certificates for any books, your choice, at the Siren Bookstore.

What you have to do: Just visit the Siren website

and look for the answers to the questions below. All answers can be found in the ‘excerpts’ posted.

How to enter: Send your answers to

Contest closes Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 11:59 p.m. eastern time.

Winners will be announced Monday September 24th right here!


  1. Name the five released books in the Brothers of the Absinthe series by Emma Wildes.

  1. In The Blonde Bomb Tech by Lara Santiago, how many secrets is Sabrina haunted by and what are they?

  1. In Kinsey And The Exotic Dancing Princess by Tonya Ramagos, what is the bounty the king offers to he who discovers where the Princess spends her night?

  1. In Body, Heart and Soul by Samantha Lucas, what was the air perfumed with as Dev stands on the balcony?

  1. In the story excerpt from Morgan Ashbury’s Beau And The Lady Beast, what did Beau tell Isadora not to bring to his house in the country?

Good reading, and good luck!


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Movies that aren't hard to look at

My husband and I went to see 3:10 to Yuma yesterday.
I thought it was very good.
I loved the story and Russell Crowe isn't hard to look at either. :):)
I'm not a western maniac, but there is a certain appeal, I guess.
This was an exciting western story and filled with emotional appeal and several levels. And it bears repeating that Russell Crowe isn't hard to look at. :)

Plus, and this will certainly be a trivia question one day...wasn't Bisbee, Arizona the destination of Russell Crowe and Kim Bassinger at the end of L.A. Confidential? Am I the only one who caught the reference? :)

Last week we went to see Shoot 'em Up.
I thought it was a fairly violent movie. I mean with the title, what did I expect.
Clive Owen isn't hard to look at either. ;)
This was a completely different movie and I was surprised by the twist at the end.
Yes it was comic book style over the top mahem, yes you really had to suspend every bit of your disbelief, yes they used as much fake blood as Quentin Tarrentino did in Kill Bill, and yet, I found that I liked the movie. I don't recommend it for the faint of heart or for children but if you like shoot 'em up movies, you'll like Shoot 'em Up.

Plus, is Clive Owen ever going to make a movie where he doesn't have to deliver a baby? :)
This is two in a row after Children of Men.

Anyone else love or hate these movies?
Do tell. :)


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Bowling

Over my summer vacation I participated in a summer bowling league with my husband.
It only lasted about 12 weeks and it was admittedly more fun than I anticipated.
Our team won second place overall and there was a cash prize involved at the end. :) What's not to like?

My average never went above 100, but I did improve quite a bit from start to finish.

So now I've been coerced into a winter league. It's on a different night. I guess that's okay.
But this bowling session will be more than twice as many weeks as the summer league.
We'll be playing in a different place that is smaller. And that's okay with me as well.
My this my future? Erotic writer by day, league bowler by night. :)

Perhaps I can strive to improve my average over the next year with this new league.
If I ever make it over 100, I'll let you know.
So...are there any other writer/bowlers out there? :)

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Saturday, September 08, 2007


Yes, I'm happy.
Recently (yesterday) I was notified that my PAN (Published Authors Network) application for the RWA (Romance Writers of America) was accepted.
Woo Hoo!!

With the recent changes to the eligibility in July of this year, I automatically met the new criteria. I sent in my paperwork and waited (not really very long) for what seemed like a really long time. :)

The very first book I submitted to Siren Publishing ( Just A Kiss) is the one that I qualified for on my application.
Just A Kiss is my bestseller with The Miner's Wife a close second.

Entrance into PAN is a surprise goal that I didn't think I would accomplish this year. :)
I'm so excited about this. I love surprises like this one.

So...I guess I'll keep at this writing gig. :):)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Caution...Goal Check straight ahead

This will be no secret to many of you, but I am a firm believer in goals. I'm a list maker. I like to check off the things I've accomplished. I keep track of my daily word count, weekly word count, monthly word count and guessed it, my annual word count. It is also true that there is a spreadsheet included in most of my projects.

This works for me.
And even if you don't keep track of your word count or use a spreadsheet, I believe that you still need goals. Goals keep me on track. They let me know how much harder I'll have to work now that I've realized I only have four months left in this year.

Your goals don't have to reach the sky.
You don't have to be as 'quirky' (okay anal retentive) as I am about them, but I do advise you to have one or two, or a dozen. :)

Did you make goals in January?
Have you accomplished any of them?

Now is a great time to check.
It's September. Time to see what you've accomplished for this year.
Time to see what's left to do.

If you keep goals, dust them off and check to see if you are happy with what you've completed.
Unless you are completely finished, try to get one more done before December. Motivate yourself and see if you can be done with the majority of them by New Year's Eve.

Because in January, it starts all over again. :) Can't wait.

Why the picture of Jeffery Donovan on my goals blog?

He's cute and I miss Burn Notice The new episodes don't come back until Sept. 13th:)


Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Even though writers are never off. ;) Not really.
We work 24/7 and 365.
Not even when we sleep does our muse shut down.

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